Effectiveness of comprehension monitoring strategies in EFL of nonbilingual Spanish university students reading science texts


  • Ángela Gómez
  • Vicente Sanjosé López

Palabras clave:

English as a foreign language, Spanish university students, reading comprehension, comprehension monitoring, science texts.


Abstract. This paper studies the differences in the effectiveness in the use of Comprehension Monitoring (CM) when reading expository Science texts in Spanish (L1) and in English (as a foreign language). The sample was made up of Spanish university students with elementary, intermediate and advanced English proficiency levels. A reading-for-understanding task was proposed to students. We embedded local and global inconsistencies in the texts. The detection of the inconsistencies was used to assess CM ability when students tried to build the semantic representation of the text in L1 and in L2. Results showed that L1/L2 differences in the effectiveness using CM ability significantly diminished as the English proficiency increased. Using the CM in Spanish as a baseline for CM in English, we observed a gradual enhancement of transfer from L1 to L2 as the English proficiency improved.

Biografía del autor/a

Ángela Gómez

University of Valencia

Vicente Sanjosé López

University of Valencia





