Integración y asimilación de los inmigrantes británicos e irlandeses en el Ferrol dieciochesco a través de los antropónimos
Palabras clave:
immigration, family names, spelling variation, and immigrant assimilation.Resumen
Integration and assimilation of British and Irish immigrants in 18th century Ferrol through anthroponyms
The programme of naval reform initiated in the eighteenth century in order to modernise and expand the Spanish navy had a major impact in Ferrol. The composition of the population underwent a dramatic transformation as a consequence of political decisions. The new policies generated important cultural and social changes, including the immigration of people from Great Britain and Ireland. Hence, the purpose of this study is to present the different transcriptions of British and Irish family names found in the primary texts analysed. Evidence suggests that there may be a relationship between the different orthographic representations and the integration of immigrants into the culture of their host society.
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