Expresión e interacción orales y autoevaluación: estudio descriptivo y de intervención con hablantes avanzados de español como lengua adicional


  • Marta F. Nogueroles López Universidad de Alcalá




Self-assessment, speaking, intervention, stimulated-recall


The present study includes an intervention study based on the development of self-assessment on the oral competence of the participants (ten speakers of Spanish as an additional language at an advanced level), as well as a descriptive study of the participants’ speaking skills through the technique of stimulated recall. Our objectives were, first, to analyze the effects of the intervention implemented on the participants' speaking in Spanish; second, to learn about the participants' self-assessment of their speaking skills in Spanish; and finally, to learn about the participants' evaluation of the self-assessment protocols implemented. The results show the positive impact of self-assessment on the participants’ speaking skills. In addition, the study sheds light on the strengths and weaknesses of the participants as Spanish speakers and shows that the protocol was very well received by the students.


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