Pain is a subjective and highly complex experience that is truly difficult to communicate. Figurative language is the main means by which the difficulty of communicating pain is overcome. In recent times, the verbal conceptualization of pain has been the focus of several linguistic studies. However, the representation of pain via non-linguistic modes is yet to be explored. This paper aims to describe and analyze the metaphorical and metonymic visual and multimodal renderings of pain in the advertising of painkiller pharmaceuticals. With such a purpose in mind, I examine an advertising campaign for an NSAID drug used for the relief of (chronic) joint pain. My findings suggest that through the exploitation of pictorial and multimodal metaphor and metonymy, advertisers render common conceptualizations of pain, e.g. through the sharp object or confinement source domains, in order to present painkiller users with recognizable inherently cultural and emotional aspects of pain. Thus, the consumer is invited to take part in the meaning creation of the advertisement.References
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