El complementante "que" como marca enfática en el texto periodístico
complementizers, evidentiality, discourse markers, journalistic languageAbstract
The complementing "that" as an emphatic marker in the journalistic text
In this paper I analyze the properties of que as a discursive marker that appears with evidential adverbs: naturalmente, evidentemente, obviamente, lógicamente, ciertamente, etc. The conjunction que must be distinguished from the que selected by some verbal predicates (que-1) and from the enunciative category (que-2): Que (que-2) te digo que (que- 1) me dejes en paz. In this paper, I demonstrate that, when the conjunction que modifies adverbs: naturalmente, evidentemente, obviamente, lógicamente, the sequence evidential adverb + que denotes an evidential value related to the type of the information. Key-words: evidential adverbs, que conjunction, speaker's point of view.
Key words: complementizers; evidentiality; discourse markers; journalistic language.
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