Ontological semantics in the lexical constructional model
Lexical Constructional Model, Conceptual Logical Structures, Linguistic-Conceptual Interface, Selection Restrictions.Abstract
Abstract. In the last two years, the Lexical Constructional Model (hereafter LCM) has gradually evolved from a lexicalist towards a conceptualist model. In this paper, we discuss some of the methodological consequences of this conceptual shift. In so doing, we concentrate on the following two issues: (i) the notion of conceptual logical structures (CLS) as an alternative form to lexical templates and (ii) the nature of the linguistic-conceptual interface. Some other more relevant notions are discussed peripherally: i.e. the anatomy of what has been termed a constructicon, which paves the way towards a computational treatment of constructions (cf. Bod 2009, Mairal, Ruiz de Mendoza and Periñán 2011). Finally, we discuss some of the most relevant applications that have emerged.Downloads
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