The lemmatisation of Old English comparative adverbs.


  • Yosra Hamdoun Bghiyel Universidad de La Rioja



This paper aims at presenting a pilot study in the lemmatisation of Old English superlatives. This research is a further contribution to the lemmatisation methodology implemented in the OE verbal classes. The adverbs graded for the comparative have been chosen for this study. The data have been retrieved from The York-Toronto-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English Prose and The York-Toronto-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English Poetry. The starting point of this study is the automatic extraction of the forms morphologically tagged with the ADVR label (comparative adverbs). Secondly, the resulting forms are manually assigned the lemma provided by the lexical database of Old English Nerthus. Thirdly, the results are compared with Seelig (1930) and with the Dictionary of Old English in order to verify the lemma assignment and disambiguate doubtful cases. The conclusions insist on the applicability of the lemmatisation method to all non-verbal categories of Old English.

Keywords: Old English; corpus linguistics; lexicography; lemmatisation; comparative adverbs.


Este artículo presenta un estudio piloto sobre la lematización de los adverbios comparativos del inglés antiguo. Esta investigación contribuye a la metodología previamente implementada en la lematización de las clases verbales. Los corpus The York-Toronto-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English Prose y The York-Toronto-Helsinki Parsed Corpus of Old English Poetry han proveido las formas flexivas a lematizar. El punto de partida de este estudio es la extracción automática de las formas morfológicamente etiquetadas con la etiqueta ADVR (adverbios comparativos). En segundo lugar, se ha asignado un lema de la base léxica Nerthus a cada forma flexiva. En tercer lugar, los resultados han sido contrastados con Seelig (1930) y el Dictionary of Old English para verificar la asignación de lemas y desambiguar casos dudosos. Las conclusiones insisten en la aplicabilidad de este método de lematización al resto de categorías no verbales de inglés antiguo.

Palabras clave: ingles antiguo, adverbios comparativos, lingüística de corpus, lematización.

Biografía del autor/a

Yosra Hamdoun Bghiyel, Universidad de La Rioja

Yosra Hamdoun Bghiyel is currently a research assistant and a Phd student of University of La Rioja. Formerly, he studied the Master’s degree of Advanced Humanities Studies and the English studies degree in University of La Rioja. His Master Thesis on The Lemmatisation of Old English adverbs in the comparative and superlative adverbs is the first step into the academic career. He has presented six communications at international conferences.




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